Brave enough to know I don’t know
Strong enough to try anyway
Loving enough to withstand the expansion
Letting my mind lose it’s footing
Identity drifting away
Beliefs crumble into oblivion
Energetic emergence
Transmitting love
Transmuting fear
Integration back into form
Reshaping a sense of who I am
Resurrecting to embody the expansion
Always for others
Giving it away for free
Love, loving, beloved
Thank you
It is with great joy to have met you. Knowing you has enhanced my life and I am a better person for it. I have found such pleasure in loving you, accepting you just as you are, and feel so blessed to be here on earth with you by my side.
Want to reconnect? You can reply to this email or visit my website at By the way, I am building a new website. I'm happy to send details when it is revealed!