Hello Heather, What is the power of the heart?
To love. Love heals. This power is the greatest in all the universe. It can move mountains, dig tunnels, shine light, and warm all it radiates upon. The power of the heart is divine goodness, joy, passion. When utilized generously, it is the full expression of a soul in this formed reality to change a concept of reality from duality to oneness.

I’ve developed an insight column called Hello Heather. This is similar to Dear Abby, the famous advice column. But I’m not Abby and I don’t offer advice. A group of close friends call me Heather when I drop into my soulful perspective of understanding and awareness. From Heather’s perspective, the insight is deeply moving and readily available for anyone looking for understanding to what is beyond and within the human identity.
My invitation to you is to send me questions regarding your experience as a soul living a human life. I would love to explore the possibilities in development of this insight column.
Please send inquiries to maccoolsummer@gmail.com. I am so excited and honored to hear what you are curious about and what Heather can sense on your behalf.